Giddy with sticky fingers, we hauled this unwieldy hunk of metal through the back door of the coffee shop. It was Peter Carlson and I, slapping high fives and talking excitedly around midnight. The long awaited NEWZBOX found a home at Big E's Coffee House, Zigzag's first installation location (Sarasota FL). The employees of the shop even looked away from their Tekken match to stare at it, and ask about its origins. "Oh we got it off the black market."
The box (located at 2805 N. Tamiami Trail) holds ZIGZAG #4. This issue has the most striking cover image yet, and holds together with Lindstrom's solid design. There are fewer artists involved in this particular issue. Nevertheless, it features multiple illustrations by Ringling students William Inman, Scott Prather, and Rob Chandler -- as well as a must-read article by Ben Turk, revolutionary playwright and producer of Insurgent Theater. This issue is meant to not only showcase upcoming creativity; it should also inspire action.
CLICK HERE to preview this issue online!